Gliding Cupping Massage is an Interesting Technique
recently growing in popularity in the UK.
It is a Fairly Strong Technique where cups are attached
to the body & then slid across an area.
It is extremely useful in
Releasing Congestion in a Broader Area of the body.
Massage Oil is first applied
to allow for Frictionless Movement of the cup.
Cups are then affixed with Medium Strength then
moved through the Treatment area.
Gliding Cupping accomplishes the Same End Results as
Deep Tissue Massage with a very
Relaxing & Non-Painful Motion.
We offer 8 Different 45min
Cupping Treatments!
This method Feels More Intense than static cupping,
but is actually Lighter & More Effective!
Fully Qualified & have
Full Comprehensive Insurance & DBS Checks
Cupping is not performed on:
Cupping is also not recommended on
Lastly although there are no Scientific Findings
stating Pregnant Women Cannot Have Gliding Cupping…
We Advise that it is Not Suitable if you are ‘Showing’
Cannot Lay on Your Stomach,
Despite Pregnant Massage Beds Existing